Author Guidelines

Language, size and submission of manuscripts
The Journal for German and Scandinavian Studies accepts for publication manuscripts in Bulgarian, German, English, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish.
The length of the manuscript must be up to 25 standard pages (1800 characters per page, i.e. 45 000 characters in total), including the bibliography, the tables, the figures, the footnotes and the appendices.
Manuscripts are submitted through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) in the Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) file format.
The file is named in Roman script in accordance with the following model: Surname, Given name. JournalGermSkand. Month (in English), year. E.g. Petrov, Ivan. JournalGermScand. May, 2023.
After the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors must complete and send a Copyright Transfer Form to the Editorial Board at JournalGermScand@fcml.uni-sofia.bg.
Requirements for manuscript formatting
We recommend using the Bulgarian, English or German-language templates that have been prepared in advance.
Page size: the margins (left, right, top and bottom) are 2,5 cm. The text is typed without breaking words between lines or pages. Paragraph spacing in the entire text is 0 points before and after the paragraph.
Title in the language of the submission: Times New Roman font, size 14, Bold, centred, capitalised (All caps)
Name of the author in the language of the submission: font Times New Roman, size 13, centred, Italic
Affiliation (name of the academic institution and the country): font Times New Roman, size 13, centred, Regular
Title in English*: Times New Roman font, size 14, centred, Bold, capitalised (All caps)
Name of the author in Latin script: Times New Roman font, size 13, centred, Italic
Affiliation (name of the academic institution and the country) in English: font Times New Roman, size 13, centred, Regular
Abstract of the article in the language of the submission: up to 10 lines, font Times New Roman, size 12, Justified, Regular, first line indentation 0,5″ (1,27 cm), line spacing Single
Keywords in the language of the submission: up to 5 words, font Times New Roman, size 12, Justified, Regular, first line indentation 0,5″ (1,27 cm)
Abstract of the article in English: up to 10 lines, font Times New Roman, size 12, Justified, Regular, first line indentation 0,5″ (1,27 cm), line spacing Single
Keywords in English: up to 5 words, font Times New Roman, size 12, Justified, Regular, first line indentaion 0,5″ (1,27 cm)
Article text: font Times New Roman, size 12, Justified, Normal, first line indentation 0,5″ (1,27 cm), line spacing 1,5
Footnotes: short and continuously numbered within the entire text, font Times New Roman, size 10, Justified, Normal, line spacing 1,15
Figures and tables: numbered or entitled
Quotations longer than three lines: they are formatted as a block quote, font Times New Roman, size 11, Normal, Justified, first line indentaion 0,5″ (1,27 cm), line spacing Single
* If the principal language of the submission is English, the title, the name of the author, the affiliation, the abstract and the keywords in Bulgarian are placed second (after the ones in English).
Citations within the text and bibliographical description of the sources used
The citations within the text and the bibliographical description of the sources used follow the Chicago style (author – date), with which you may familiarise yourself here.
We recommend using the automatic bibliography formatting function in Microsoft Word.
If the cited source has a DOI number, it should be included at the end of the bibliographic description of the source.
When citing German-language publications, “edited by” and “ed. by” are replaced by “hrsg. von”, and “ed.” is replaced by “Hrsg.”. When several authors and editors are listed, “and” is replaced by a slash (“/”) surrounded by spaces and by “und”, respectively.
NOTE: titles in the Cyrillic script must be transcribed into the Latin script. The title in the Cyrillic scipt is given in square brackets after its Latin transcription according to the BDS ISO 9:2001 standard, for example:
Galabov, Konstantin.1955. Istoricheska gramatika na nemski ezik. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo. [Гълъбов, Константин. 1955. Историческа граматика на немски език. София: Наука и изкуство.]
We recommend using online transliteration tools such as https://www.ushuaia.pl/transliterate/ (select English transcription BGN/PCGN).
Formatting of the bibliography
Subheading “Bibliography/References”: Font Times New Roman, size 12, centred, Bold.
Text of the bibliography: Font Times New Roman, size 12, Justified, Normal, first line indentation 0,5″ (1,27 cm), line spacing 1.5.
Sources of the examples
The sources that the examples are excerpted from are indicated separately from the list of cited works, in a list entitled “Sources of the examples”. The bibliographic entries presenting the sources are structured in the same way as the cited works.
Subheading “Sources of the examples”: Font Times New Roman, size 12, centred, Bold, All caps. Two empty lines are left between the reference list and the subheading.
Contact card of the author
At the end of the submission, a contact card of the author in English is placed. The contact card contains the name, the academic position, the affiliation (research institution), country, ORCID iD and other IDs for personal registration in scientific databases (e.g. Researcher ID (Web of Science)), institutional postal and email addresses. The ORCID iD is mandatory for all contributors to the Journal.
Font Times New Roman, size 13, Normal, Right.